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Hierarchy Text Filter
May I know if a text filter system has been implemented for the hierarchy tree ?
In this thread, Nate let me know that there was a task for that > viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2171
If this is simple enough to implement, please help us with this. It's incredibly painful to deal with hundreds of objects in the current hierarchy...
it hasn't been implemented yet, I don't know when Nate can get to it. Sorry
Hey Shiu, thanks for the feedback !
Nate, you mentioned it would be easy to implement, do you think there's a chance we could get such a feature somehow ?
Or maybe just a simple option to display all assets(bones, slots, images, etc...) by name, rather than using the regular hierarchy ?
That way, using simple naming convention, we'd be able to easily access our assets sharing same naming.
Nate, would you have any feedback on this ?
Sorry for the delay!
I've been wanting to get to the text filter for a long time now. I will try to get to it today. We've also had some discussion about layers and likely that will make it in as time permits. :beer:
Woo! Nice.
(What's layers?)
Layers is a dialog having a list of layer names, each with options like visible, selectable, etc. Items (bones, attachments, etc) are placed in the default layer. An item can be in one layer at a time.
This allows you to organize your items and easily control options for groups of items.
That's amazing! I like it.
I'm so excited about it that I might just make a thread listing down all the things I would do with such a feature.
Could be good to hear ideas about exactly how it might work. I haven't tried to fully design the feature yet.
FWIW, looks like this in SI (which looks like crap as usual :p poor SI):
Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway
Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway
Reviewing how Modo, Maya, etc work might be good.
I've sadly not had the pleasure of using any of these programs.
layer ?
can use "Blend Mode" like Photoshop? :o
Hi !
Thanks for investigating this.
A text filter would help us quite a lot already. Layers would be ultimate luxury.
Did I heard layers? I understand that the main purpose is modest scene management. I very much appreciate that.
But think about image masking (ideally animated) as future idea. I know there would have to be shaders support for every runtime. But man! I'm thinking about very interesting utilization of masks.
jerryjin wrotelayer ?
can use "Blend Mode" like Photoshop? :o
No this is purely for managing your scene. Blend mode capability is possible to implement in Spine but the problem with using it is that many runtimes won't be able to support it.