Hi scardario, Thanks for the reply!
I've tried the solution in the thread and the performance issue was almost solved (from 70-90fps to 250fps) but the error and crash when i close the game remain.
Thanks again for your support!
New Update,
i made a test to verify this corrupt reallocation on the memory:
This are the steps:
- Create a Build of game with last spine runtime.
- Close Unreal engine 4 Editor and restart pc (To clean any Ram garbage from editor and cooking)
- When PC is on start the build game and after 30 sec close it. (Unreal engine editor must be closed)
When i made this step i notice the problem not appear before the second or third run.
I inspect the Ram and Process explorer of windows and i find this:

Every time you start the game Unreal made 2 Process normaly :
- The Game (in my case RimandatoASettembreDev)
- The Build folder Executable, aka Game Launcher (in my case AAI_Sample.exe)
This bug prevent Unreal or Windows to terminate correctly the Threads and when you close the game they remains stuck until you terminate by hand.
I swap the Spine plugin to an older version and this problem disappear.
I hope this can help.
i see now there is a bug section in the forum.
I ask to move the topic on that section if is possible.
Thanks and sorry for the mistake