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Hello, Everyone - greetings!! :handshake: (Newbie here!)

I'm having an issue I can't seem to resolve (and a couple more questions but i'll leave those for now):

I'm using the PhotoshopToSpine script (really handy!!) to import two skins into Spine.
Everything works as expected with these once imported ...except.. as soon as I check the box to change an attachment to a mesh, the image disappears in the viewport, and 'missing' placeholder comes up instead.

I keep double-checking the paths to the image files, but they seem okay...?

If I don't import the json, and just navigate to the same image file via the tree, its fine when I try to turn an image into a mesh.

So presumably this has something to do with the json import...?

Or have I missed something obvious about paths?

Any help appreciated!

Finally realised what was causing the problem. In Photoshop, i'd added '.png' to the layer names, so that pngs would also auto-generate from Photoshop.

As soon as I removed these and re-exported again with the script, it worked fine - phew!

This problem also happened to another user. They also had .png in all their layer names.

May I ask why you thought you needed to add ".png" to the layer names?
Is it a requirement for some other popular plugin?

6 days later

Hello! (sorry for the delay in replying, I missed this).

I was using the .png extension to auto-generate pngs from Photoshop as I was working, which is really handy for updating image assets on the fly, especially if you point Spine's image path back to that folder.
( ).

I stopped doing that anyway once I started using the PhotoshopToSpine plugin as the naming was getting kind of confusing (ie: [merge] prefixes on a folder, on top of the .png extension, that sort of thing). There's definitely some interesting pipeline potential there, but i think the .png trouble put the nail in the coffin for now at least....