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  • full 360 rotation

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I have trouble for making full rotation in spine, for example if I have an object and I try to make it rotate between 0 and 360 the object won't move.

In a general you cannot decide if you object gonna rotate clockwise or anticlockwise.

Any tricks ?


You have to rotate to the degree you want every few frames, depending on how you animate. If I need to rotate something from 0 to 360:

0 Frame = 0 degrees

3 Frame = 90

6 Frame = 180

9 Frame = 270

12 Frame = 360/0

If at any point it starts rotating in the opposite direction, just tweak the direction in between frames

Yep, you need 3 keys. Spine always chooses the smaller direction to rotate, so to control the direction of rotation you can only rotate 179 or -179 degrees. This is annoying when doing 360 rotations, but it simplifies a number of other things, both in the editor and at runtime.

OK I see, thanks for your answer

It's true that it's the bit annoying, but if it's the way it works I guess we'll have to deal with it.


4 years later

Hi there,

I'm having this problem too, and thought I might ask if perhaps the answer has changed since this was originally posted 3.5 years ago! Spine has seen some great new features since, so I wondered if maybe this has been fixed yet?

If not, I understand the principle of using 3+ keyframes to achieve the rotation, but am not quite sure how to combine it nicely with Curves. (I'm trying to have a full 360 degree turn with an S-curve, if that makes sense)

Thanks! :-)

a year later

I'm bumping this question. I'm having the exact same question as Mog:

  • Is it in the most recent version still necesary to insert more keyframes to animate from 0 to 360 degrees?
  • Because of those multiple keys it's not very easy working with continues curves. Is there perhaps a workaround for that in more recent versions? (I'm still using an older version of Spine, but thinking about upgrading. I would like to look at the trial, but it's not running - see my other thread)

[edit] looking at the windmill demo on the youtube channel it seems like in the latest version we still need multiple frames for a single rotation. So I was thinking: maybe a solution to this problem would be to enter a Plus or Minus in front of the rotation value (or press a + or - button next to the inputfield) to force the rotation direction. That way we could force a rotation to go a certain direction. + for normal direction and - for reverse direction. That way we wouldn't have to insert multiple keyframes and don't have the spanned-curve problems.
Doing lots of these rotation-animations I'm hoping some solution to this issue could be implemented in the near future. That would make the software even greater than it already is! Thanks

2 years later

Hi there, i am stil interesting too, 1.5 years ago from last message.

A complete rotation in Spine requires 4 keyframes: Key Frames - Spine User Guide: Rotation
Manually typing a + or +- will have the convenient effect of letting Spine calculate the number as an addition or subtraction: Tools - Spine User Guide: Numeric entry

This means you can just type +120 after copying and pasting a keyframe twice, and copy the first frame in the last position to quickly create a complete rotation.

 Loading Image

    Nice illustration, Erikari!

    FWIW, in the next version of Spine you'll be able to specify the rotation direction and do any amount of rotation with a single key. :nerd:

    8 months later
    Nate wrote

    Nice illustration, Erikari!

    FWIW, in the next version of Spine you'll be able to specify the rotation direction and do any amount of rotation with a single key. :nerd:

    Yes!! Thanks! Very well appreciated! Will it also be possible to enter angles like 720 degrees? Or maybe possible to enter something like '2turns' in the textbox which will convert to 2x360 degress for two turn arounds? I would definitely use that a lot for wheels, mills etc.

    4 days later

    Yes. There is a new Spine launcher, it is not a beta version but is required to run v4-beta versions. To get it just download and reinstall Spine from your Spine license page. It can run v4-beta versions but also any older versions, so you don't actually need to keep the old launcher. You can though, by just installing the new launcher to a different place.

    If you run a beta version just keep in mind that if you save your project with the beta, it won't be possible to open it with older versions:
    Settings - Spine User Guide: Version

    6 days later
    Nate wrote

    Yes. There is a new Spine launcher, it is not a beta version but is required to run v4-beta versions.

    Thanks, I have it installed now. There's an issue with validation code now in v3 (see other thread), but for the rest it seems to work fine.

    I don't see the rotation working with 720 degrees in v4.0.20-beta though. When adding a keyframe A with angle 0 degrees and adding a keyframe B with angle 720 degrees I get a flat horizontal line in the graph and there's no animation. Spine converted the 720 degrees to 0 degrees, so the bone doesn't rotate.

    We can try to move the second keyframe (B) up in the graph to 720 degrees, but next to it being very difficult to exactly move it to exactly 720 degrees without decimals, it's obviously way to cumbersome and time consuming / frustrating to do it like that every time instead of just entering the value in the rotation textbox, so I'm sure I'm probably missing or doing something wrong here.

    Do I need to turn something on first to make it handle real angles like 720 degrees in the textbox instead of letting Spine take the shortest routes?

    Sorry I missed responding to this post.

    In the v4-beta rotation in setup mode is 0-360, since that is what is needed to describe all possible fixed rotations for the setup pose. In animate mode rotation is not clamped to 0-360. You should be able to set the rotation by typing a number or using the rotate tool and it won't clamp the value.

    I see it working for me. If you are still having trouble, please provide step by step instructions so we can reproduce the problem. I know it seems pretty simple, but sometimes a little details somewhere makes all the difference!

      Nate wrote

      In the v4-beta rotation in setup mode is 0-360, since that is what is needed to describe all possible fixed rotations for the setup pose. In animate mode rotation is not clamped to 0-360. You should be able to set the rotation by typing a number or using the rotate tool and it won't clamp the value.

      Doing a quick test with a new file and just one bone (and now in 4.0.23-beta) I see it working too as you described. Not sure why it wasn't working the last time. I'm sure before posting it here I saw an animation being meant to go from 0 to 720 degrees as a flat horizontal line in the Graph editor and saw the textbox changing to 0 when I entered 720. I saw the Graph at that time so I must have been in Animation mode, I'd say.

      Strange. But I can't go back in time to see what file I was in and in what order I did things. Well, I see it working now. If I see the strange thing happening again in perhaps some weird combination of actions, I'll inform you.
      Thanks for your answer and info.

      3 years later

      Hi Nate

      I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I made a video. Do you see where I screwed up? 🤔

      I'm on Spine 4.1.23 pro

      Thanks for the help.

      I tried the +120 technique below. Not sure what I'm doing wrong... 😶

      Erika This means you can just type +120 after copying and pasting a keyframe twice, and copy the first frame in the last position to quickly create a complete rotation.

      oops cannot edit the above message, it expired (maybe extend the expiration time to a week or something?) 🥺

      I found out the reason it didn't work. For people in the future that read this, you need to animate it in local mode

      Glad you figured it out! Sorry it's a little tricky. When you work in world or parent axes, rotations are converted to local. It doesn't make sense to convert rotations < 0 or > 360 from world to local (world rotation is 0-360 corresponding to the world direction that the bone is pointing), so you need to choose local axes for values outside that range.