Hello guys.
So, we've hit another problem. The artists that produced the cloths in our game actually did some of them with a lot of extra white space around the item.
Problem with this is that this is adding up to about 50% extra size on the texture packing, which is a lot when you factor in memory and download constraints of the project.
I tried using Spine's built-in "strip whitespace" options when exporting, but turns out using it actually ruins everything, 'cause the meshes kinda depend on those whitespaces to work. That means if we want to optimize this, the artists will have to basically reanimate all problematic clothes (which are a lot, and takes time).
But, I figure there might be a way to do something similar to how unity handles this. if you add an image that can be trimmed to an unity atlas, it actually trims it up, but it saves the extra space information somewhere. That way when you actually use the sprite inside the game you do get the extra whitespace that was there originally, it's just a packing time optimization that results in smaller atlases. Could we do something similar for Spine atlases? How hard would it be to pull this off?
Thanks for your time!