Hello SpineFolk - Question : is there a way to force certain animation bones/changes to stay at a constant speed while
others can be adjusted via code?
Example 1: say I have an animation of a person who is blinking and swinging a whip around their head. All looks good
but now it has been decided that the whip swinging goes too slow at one spot of a game and too fast in another. In
code I change the speed, but now the eye blinks happen too slow/too fast.
Example #2: say I have an animated logo made up with a sign marque which has a border of 80 flashing lights. The sign
flies around the screen and zooms in/out. Now I need to change the speed on the fly but doing so changes the flashing
speed of the lights - which are timed to a musical beat.
Example #3: say I have the RoadRunner running down the road. The leg animation is just a quick spinning blur effect while
the head and neck animations gently move back and forth. Changing the playback speed to make the leg animation look correct makes the rest of the animations look wrong.
Thanks - ChzBoi