When importing the .png, json, and .atlas.txt file into unity, the texture and atlas file are generated automatically but the SkeletonData file does not generate. When attempting to manually create the SkeletonData file and add the JSON file, I get the error "Skeleton data file is not a valid JSON or binary file." appearing in the inspector. There are no errors that appear in the console.
When I try to load the example projects, the texture, atlas, and SkeletonData files are created automatically.
Unity version: 2018.2.18f1
Spine version: 3.6
OS: Windows
Runtime: spine-unity-3_6-2018-11-15.unitypackage
Here's the copy/paste from the JSON file I'm trying to import. It's quite a bit different from the example (eyes.json) JSON file?
"class": "com.esotericsoftware.spine.editor.Prefs$ExportJson",
"project": "C:\\Users\\Brian\\OneDrive\\Pictures\\Stay Awake\\Animations\\Humans\\Student\\StayAwake_Student.spine",
"output": "C:/Users/Brian/OneDrive/Pictures/Stay Awake/Animations/Humans/Student/",
"extension": ".json",
"format": "JSON",
"nonessential": false,
"prettyPrint": false,
"createAtlas": true,
"texturePacker": {
"pot": true,
"paddingX": 2,
"paddingY": 2,
"edgePadding": true,
"duplicatePadding": false,
"rotation": true,
"minWidth": 16,
"minHeight": 16,
"maxWidth": 1024,
"maxHeight": 1024,
"square": false,
"stripWhitespaceX": false,
"stripWhitespaceY": false,
"alphaThreshold": 0,
"filterMin": "Linear",
"filterMag": "Linear",
"wrapX": "ClampToEdge",
"wrapY": "ClampToEdge",
"format": "RGBA8888",
"alias": true,
"outputFormat": "png",
"jpegQuality": 0.9,
"ignoreBlankImages": true,
"fast": false,
"debug": false,
"silent": false,
"combineSubdirectories": false,
"ignore": false,
"flattenPaths": false,
"premultiplyAlpha": true,
"useIndexes": false,
"bleed": false,
"bleedIterations": 2,
"limitMemory": true,
"grid": false,
"scale": [ 0.9 ],
"scaleSuffix": [ "" ],
"scaleResampling": [ "bicubic" ],
"atlasExtension": ".atlas"
Any help would be appreciated!