Hi guys,
I am struggling a bit on this. I am not sure this is possible currently in Spine.
So I'd like to have a face orientation with a single target bone: when I move it to one direction, the character will turn its face to this direction, allowing me to very quickly, and easily animate this => key framing one bone, instead all the bones individually.
So I have added a transform constrain but it seems this is not enough
Here is what happens when I move from neutral to looking right (everything is not setup yet, I'll deal with the hair and hat later):
So what I would like to do is :
- first the elements on the back of the head (here, my ears, but also the hair, when I have them rigged as well) should move to the opposite direction. So having a constrain that move the bones to the opposition direction. Is that possible?
- second, I would like some elements to be rescaled based on their position. For example the eyes and glasses should be horizontally smaller when on an edge when the head is turning. I have seen a post about this but it's pretty old, so maybe there is a solution now for this.
- lastly having some rotation based on the position of the face controller. It can be useful for example for the hat to have a slight orientation based on the target bone position. Possible?
Thank you for your replies and advices.