• Bugs
  • Unity crashes when importing spine assets into project

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I'm having this issue.
I export a spine animation and then drag the 3 generated files into Unity.
Unity automatically crashes (image attached). Then when I try to reopen it, it won't start. Same error displayed.

Im using Unity 2019.3.0a2
Spine library is: 3.7.xx, spine-unity-3_7-2019-05-28.unitypackage
Spine software is: 3.7.93

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately I could not reproduce your problem.
Could you please send us your exported assets as a zip package to contact@esotericsoftware.com?

We have noticed some bad playback behaviour in the _SkeletonData animation preview window though (performance wise, playback being at 1fps). Also when the generated Material asset is selected, Unity seems to auto-update all the time without reason - which makes no sense at the Material.

Anyway, there is a certain chance that this issue will be gone when Unity 2019.3 goes out of alpha state.

Harald wrote

Unfortunately I could not reproduce your problem.
Could you please send us your exported assets as a zip package to contact@esotericsoftware.com?

We have noticed some bad playback behaviour in the _SkeletonData animation preview window though (performance wise, playback being at 1fps). Also when the generated Material asset is selected, Unity seems to auto-update all the time without reason - which makes no sense at the Material.

Anyway, there is a certain chance that this issue will be gone when Unity 2019.3 goes out of alpha state.

I was about to post a new thread about unity updating or re-importing something every second when the animation preview is visible. I was unable to find the exact source of this issue though.
It starts behaving normally after lagging through one preview, and the lagging behavior could be reset by entering/exiting playmode.

This completely hangs Unity when selecting animation asset and sometimes causes crashes.
