节点是一个皮肤占位符 - 你认为这是不正确的吗?
Unfortunately I cannot judge what it should look like, I only see that the lowerbody
node is a skin placeholder - do you think this is incorrect?
如果项目已从json文件导入,您可以在文本编辑器中打开它并检查它已导出的Spine版本,它应该是文件中的第一个条目之一。 然后,如果您认为导入不正确,则可以将Spine版本设置为此版本并再次尝试导入。
If the project has been imported from a json file, you can open it in a text editor and check what Spine version it has been exported with, it should be one of the first entries in the file. You could then set the Spine version to exactly this version and try importing again, if you think that the import was incorrect.
Please let me know I misunderstood your question.