从spine editor 3.7.xx中导出的spine文件在unity中使用skeletor graphic如下设置能正常播放:
The spine file exported from spine editor 3.7.xx uses this skeletor graphic setting can be played normally in unity.
正如你所见,没有设置Starting Animation,因为我们在代码中控制此skeletor播放哪个animation。一切都工作得很好。
As you can see, not set Starting Animation, because I want to control which animation to play using my code. Everything works very well.
但是,spine editor升级到3.8.61后,使用以上skeletor graphic设置会报以下错误,请帮助我!
However, after upgrading the spine editor to 3.8.61, using the above skeletor graphic settings will report the following error, please help me!