似乎您在代码中使用了 AtlasUtilities Skin.GetRepackedSkin()
It seems that you are using AtlasUtilities Skin.GetRepackedSkin()
in your code to create new atlas textures.
如果我正确理解了您的问题,那么您只需要像您的主要纹理一样重新包装口罩图集即可。 这可以通过Skin.GetRepackedSkin()
处的附加参数 additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy
If I understand your question correctly, then you only need to repack the mask atlas like your main texture. This can be achieved by the additional parameters additionalTexturePropertyIDsToCopy
and additionalOutputTextures
at Skin.GetRepackedSkin()
, see documentation here.
处传递参数new int[] { Shader.PropertyToID("_SfxMaskTex") }
You would then pass the parameter new int[] { Shader.PropertyToID("_SfxMaskTex") }
at additionalOutputTextures
to also create a packed atlas of your mask textures.