• Unity
  • Spine 3.8 skin bones with clones

Hey, I am wondering if I am doing something wrong regarding skin clones. We have a mix and match system that had been working fine in 3.7 ( and is mostly fine in 3.8 ). However it seems with any bones that are using the new skin-bones feature, they get messed up:

What the arm-flaps should look like:

All of our characters with outfits are created like so:

characterSkin = skeletonData.FindSkin(currentCharacter.characterSpineSkinName);
currentCustomSkin = characterSkin.GetClone();
[bunch of attachments cloned for outfit]

Are we doing something wrong or is there a step I am missing? It all still works fine aside from any places we utilized the new skin bones. And the characters look fine if set without using clones.


needless to say, it displays no issues in the editor

We are sorry for the trouble!

The issue has been fixed, new unitypackages can be downloaded here as usual:
Spine Unity Download

Thanks for reporting!

Glad to hear, thanks for letting us know!