恐怕无法使Spine 3.5运行时与高于4.16的任何UE版本一起使用。 API已更改。
请将旧的Spine 3.5项目转换为3.8,并在3.8版中使用Spine运行时。 如果您有原始的.spine项目文件,则只需将其加载到Spine Editor 3.8版中,然后重新导出。
I'm afraid there's no way to make the Spine 3.5 runtime work with any UE version higher than 4.16. The APIs have changed.
Please convert your old Spine 3.5 projects to 3.8 and use the Spine Runtimes with version 3.8. If you have the original .spine
project files, you can just load them in Spine Editor version 3.8 and re-export.