- Edited
Update Spine every time i launch it.
Every time i launch Spine - it downloads something for minute or two.
But i not set "Lastest" version. I was set concrete version.
And it was ok for month or two, but then it starts download version every launching. What it can be?
Hello Pag1iaccio, if you haven't used Spine in several months, please try to download the latest installer and reinstall Spine.
You could also skip the update on the first run by going into the Spine folder created in your user directory, such as:
and creating a file called:
with just this text inside:
(it's the number of the latest version)
Thank you!
But why he starts 3.8.79 and downgrade it? - i have 3.8.75 in settings by default.
I know i can update it, but nonetheless it's strange. =)
If you prefer v3.8.75 just replace 3.8.75
instead of 3.8.79
to start directly with 3.8.75.
It's already 3.8.75
every time
The fact that it updates to that version every time you start Spine is correct, because it's applying that version. What's not normal it's that Spine is taking 1-2 minutes to do it. I tested it several times and it takes merely seconds in my case. Did you recently install a firewall or antivirus that might be messing up with Spine, slowing it down?
I reinstalled Spine to SSD, so now it takes less time. But it still around 30 seconds.
So i think i will better update to lastest version It starts immediately.
Thank you!
Can you send us your spine.log file? You can find it in
<user home folder>\Spine\spine.log