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Setting Animations for my Spike SkeletonAnimation is not working (not even on editor).

It is <none> and when I change it it backs to <none>.

I checked SkeletonAnimation.cs and there is something strange there :

public class SkeletonAnimation : SkeletonComponent {

public bool useAnimationName;

public String animationName {
		get {
			TrackEntry entry = state.GetCurrent(0);
			return entry == null ? null : entry.Animation.Name;
		set {
	//		if (!useAnimationName) return;
			if (_animationName == value) return;
			_animationName = value;
			if (value == null || value.Length == 0)
				state.SetAnimation(0, value, loop);

What is the useAnimationName for??? I cannot set it anywhere (It does not appears on Inspector to me to change it's value).... I commented it out and it back to works. Is this correct?

Sorry, useAnimationName was removed from spine-unity and should have been removed from spine-tk2d. Fixed!