We develop on https://www.pixijs.com. Solving the problem of how to move a bone from the code. We have the final point where the fireball should arrive from the dragon's mouth, but we can't work properly with the coordinates of the bone.
Are there any special features in working with bone coordinates? They can't be changed while the animation is playing? These are local coordinates, not screen coordinates?
We try to move the FINAL_POINT bone to the desired location on the screen or follow other objects
The ball should fly to the point FINAL_POINT, but in the game we do not understand where it eventually flies. Part of the code in JS below how we do it
I tried to set FINAL_POINT coordinates in the first frame of the animation and remove them from the first frame, giving everything to control inside the code, but this only confused us
I found a way around the problem, but you won't believe what's happening. If I use method 2 to position the bone FINAL_POINT (set the coordinates with my hands), then my developer CAN't MOVE the BONE. If I use method 1 the developer can move the bone from the code. Below is a screenshot that parses the difference in the JSON file, but I don't understand how this happens