恐怕目前还没有简单的方法在Skeleton UI元素上使用MecanimAnimator
(它是将 AnimationState 作为 SkeletonAnimation
I'm afraid currently there is no simple way to use a Mecanim Animator
on a Skeleton UI element. You need to use SkeletonGraphic
(which is using AnimationState as SkeletonAnimation
) for UI elements.
你可以看看 Spine Examples/Other Examples/StateMachine SkeletonAnimation
中的 Mecanim Logic SkeletonAnimation View
示例场景,它展示了你如何将一个Mecanim Animator的状态转发到一个 SkeletonAnimation
的 AnimationState。然而这需要一些额外的编码来适应 SkeletonGraphic
You could have a look at the Mecanim Logic SkeletonAnimation View
example scene in Spine Examples/Other Examples/StateMachine SkeletonAnimation
, it shows how you can forward a Mecanim Animator's state to a SkeletonAnimation's
AnimationState. This would however require some additional coding to adapt to SkeletonGraphic
. So this is most likely too complex for what you need to achieve.