抱歉,添麻烦了。 您正在运行Spine 3.5,这是一个非常老的Spine版本。 较新版本的Spine中可能已解决此特定问题。
您可以尝试更新到较新的Spine 3.5版本,请参阅http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-changelog/archive#v3-5
如果这不起作用,则可以升级到最新的Spine版本并通过将项目加载并保存到该最新版本来转换项目。 在此之前,请备份您的项目。 一旦保存在较新的Spine版本中,就不能再在较旧的Spine版本中加载项目。
Sorry for the trouble. You are running Spine 3.5, a very old Spine version. This particular issue has likely been fixed in newer version of Spine.
You can try to update to a newer Spine 3.5 version, see Spine: Changelog: v3.5
If this does not work, you could upgrade to the latest Spine version and convert your projects by loading and saving them in that latest version. Before doing that, make backups of your projects. Once saved in a newer Spine version, a project can no longer be loaded in an old Spine version.