- Edited
我已尝试恢复该文件,但恐怕它已损坏得无法修复。 恐怕没有办法恢复它。
但是,Spine创建备份。 也许您的计算机上仍有项目的备份? 您可以在此处找到备份:
Windows:<用户主文件夹> \ Spine \ backup \
Mac:<用户主文件夹> / Library / Application Support / Spine / backup /
Linux:<用户主文件夹> /。spine / backup /
I've tried to recover the file, but I'm afraid it's irreparably damaged. I'm afraid there is no way to restore it.
However, Spine creates backups. Maybe you still have a backup of the project on your machine? You can find the backups here:
Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\backup\
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/backup/
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/backup/