• Editor
  • Spine Launcher Announcements!!!

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HI Nate, would it be possible to announce every time when there is a new launcher version for download? Thank you, Marek.

Or in release notes give us a hint that with that version you have release the launcher as well. Spine: Changelog

Sure, we can add a line to the changelog. Normally you don't need to update the launcher unless you have a problem or want the bug fixes. It makes sense to put it in the changelog, though it won't necessarily match the release date of the editor release.

7 days later

Release notes are fine. Thanks.

4.x launcher is available on our usual purchased link?

No? Oh, you saw in the changelog. The launcher note goes in the editor changelog, but may not be released at the same time. Very soon we'll have the 4.0.07 launcher available on everyone's license page, and the 4.0.06-beta editor up.

It has been done! Spine v4-beta: it has a curve editor!

21 days later

Is 4.0.12 launcher alive? I tried to download it and still get 4.0.11.

Not yet, sorry. The notes go in the editor changelog but aren't necessarily released at the same time.

Launcher update (4.0.12). Fixes artifacts when viewing large images zoomed in a lot. Still the download link contains 0.11

Yeah, it's not quite ready yet. I forgot to move it to the next editor changelog, will do.

12 days later

Launcher update (4.0.14) is up?