Maybe there is a problem with the Chinese translation? The English text is:
you can run the v4-beta versions or any older Spine version, from 1.7 to 3.8
What it is trying to say: you can use the new launcher to run Spine 4.0 and higher or any older version of Spine, from 1.7 to 3.8. The new graph editor is only available in v4 and higher.
Sorry for any confusion! If the translation is wrong, please let us know and we'll get it fixed (we can't read the Chinese).
中文翻译可能有问题吗? 英文文本为:
you can run the v4-beta versions or any older Spine version, from 1.7 to 3.8
它试图说的是:您可以使用新的启动器来运行Spine 4.0及更高版本或任何较旧的Spine版本(从1.7到3.8)。 新的图形编辑器仅在v4及更高版本中可用。
抱歉给您带来任何混乱! 如果翻译错误,请通知我们,我们将进行修复(我们不会读中文)。