Did anyone else get a Transaction Failed email from Amazon when the kickstarter ended?
Edit: All sorted, seems Amazon US doesn't always play nicely with UK debit-visas. Gratz on a successful #2!
Did anyone else get a Transaction Failed email from Amazon when the kickstarter ended?
Edit: All sorted, seems Amazon US doesn't always play nicely with UK debit-visas. Gratz on a successful #2!
Well done Nate & Shiu!!!
Thanks everyone! We've sent out the upgrades for those who have responded to the survey which asks for your activation code. We've also sent out the new licenses. We'll do it again a couple times each day for the next week for people whose Amazon payment hasn't cleared yet.
I have been heads down working on meshes, you might have noticed I haven't been checking the forum. The next Spine update will include meshes and a few other nice things. Hope to have it out in a few days.
Congratulations, Nate!
Good luck on meshes!
These few other nice things have piqued my interest.
I have received Pro license for the backed. But i don't know what is "special badge"?
@dzungpv I'll start adding badges tomorrow, but check the post about Kickstarter badges under announcements. viewtopic.php?f=3&t=133
Can't wait!
Where's the best place to check for progress updates? I don't want to miss if an update is released and I didn't catch it for several days! ( I try to block auto updates so my runtimes work with small changes)
My wife has taken over animation, so even she can't wait for FFD! It'll be like a mini Christmas present!
The changelog is where I track new stuff at a pretty granular level:
Awesome, thanks Nate!
Hi i'm new here, this tool looks great, but i have some questions about it, this is intendent just for skeletal animation? or can i do some traditional animation like scale, rotation, traslate, color transitions, fade in, fade out?
Spine can do all those things. Give the trial a try.
it says that i need to install X11 to open Java, i have osx 10.8.3
Install X11 or run the "Spine (system Java).app".