Actually I can offer another solution π It involves setting shortcuts first.
Set a shortcut for each of these -
Select Descendent Bones:
Select Visible Attachments:
Select Attachments:
Previous Selection:
Save your shortcuts and restart Spine.
With this, you can select the top bone of whatever tree you want to hide/reveal - hit Descendent Bones shortcut to select all children in the tree - then Visible Attachments to select all visible attachments in that selection. Now you can press H and hide them all.
You will notice there's a bit of an issue making them reappear in the same manner if slots house multiple attachments. You can use the same method and use 'Select Attachments' (instead of Visible Att) to toggle ALL attachments in a bone but there's no guarantee that you'll have the same ones you wanted become visible due to slots so you can use Previous Selection shortcut to select the attachments you hid previously.