Hello, I think you may want to check out this blog post to see how alternative directions can be intregrated into one character:
Blog: 装配新姿势教程
There is also a series of streams and downloadable project files showing this on entire characters, such as Helmet:
Spine: Twitch: video 5uzrYwH2LpQ
It can be a complicated process for someone who is not very experienced with Spine, so separating the directions into multiple skeletons can also make sense, the main problem is that the directions cannot be mixed (for example you cannot have a head facing the front and body facing the side) but if this is not a problem then perhaps keeping the directions separate may also not be a problem. It depends on the game requirements later on.
对于不熟悉Spine的人来说,这可能是一个复杂的过程,因此将方向分为多个骨架也很有意义,主要问题是方向无法混合(例如,您的头部不能面向前方, 身体朝向侧面),但是如果这不是问题,那么也许保持方向分开也可能不是问题。 这取决于以后的游戏要求。