Hello guys,
First of all, great job with the free form deformation feature! I've seen kickstarter video and It looks amazingly promising. I have a question about these mesh atatchment though... Is it possible to have "mesh-skin" attachment in order to have different skins that use free form deformation? and also, what hapens to the vertex we add to these mesh attachments when we would change skins? is all the animation data lost in the process of changing images?
Also I would like to feature something a request that may be interesting to do. I think it would be a nice adittion to have a way to tell spine to frame-skip our animation without having to step our curves on every keyframe or without having to alter our already soft interpolated animation in any way. The purpose of this would be to make soft interpolated animations look like raster animation. It is currently possible to achieve this effect by altering the time variable on runtime, but It would be nice to be able to see it on the editor and check out different time values there too. Also It may seem like a dumb idea since the animation would look rastered, check out any vanillaware game on where most of animations are done like this, or the upcoming guilty gear game (trailer here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKGPhKu3jNg) which although being in 3D, the animations are all rastered.