• 日本語
  • 別のスケルトンへのボーンのインポートで問題が起きます。

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9 days later




バージョンは4.076-betaPRO ランチャー4.0.34です。

I'm having trouble importing bones into another skeleton.

Thank you very much for your help.

When transferring bones from one skeleton to another, there is a problem with translating and rotating the skeleton.
The child bones are stuck to one of the parent bones like a dumpling.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'd like to know.

The version is 4.076-betaPRO launcher 4.0.34.




I am the one who wrote the question.

I updated to version 4.080-betaPRO and tried to import bones into another skeleton again, but the problem was resolved and I was able to migrate without any problems.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you for confirming it is fixed in 4.0. I apologize that your initial post was missed. We should have responded to you sooner!