• Editor
  • [Feature Request] Add bone to locked dopesheet items

Now in the dopesheet we have buttons for:
"Prevent dopesheet from changing to selected bones"
"Change dopesheet items to selected bones"

It would be very handy to have a button which would add selected bone to locked dopesheet items.
Could be called "Add selected bones to dopesheet selection"

Also a hotkey for it would be a huge timesaver.

Why would it be great?
I nearly always create a selection of bones and lock it.
Then, when I create a new bone and want to animate it, I just want to add it to the dopesheet items.
Now I always have to select the items in dopesheet again + select the new bone and lock it again.

I also can't:

  • shift click items in dopesheet to make a selection
  • or ctrl click them to add them to selection
    ... or also there's no way to create a selection of items which are in dopesheet.

I know that I can store & load a selection with ctrl+1 but this is not really the case, because I would be changing it nearly always and do many mistakes.

So now, every time I want to add an item to dopesheet, I have to:
A) deselect all, ctrl click all the items one by one to select them and then click the refresh button or the lock button twice...
B) (if I want to see all items with keys) unlock the dopesheet items, select some bone which doesn't have any keys - that will show me all items which have keys, and then lock the dopesheet.

Is there anyone else suffering with this? 😃 or does anyone have some workaround?


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I think a better approach would be to have a button in the dopesheet that selects bones currently in the dopesheet, then you can add to your selection and press refresh.

You can ctrl+click on a transform in the dopesheet, eg. press "Rotate" and it will select the bone on the corresponding row.

I think suffering is a strong word, it's never annoyed me in any way, but I guess we work in different ways.

Sorry for late response,

Ah, now I see that I can ctrl+click to select the items when clicking on transform in dope sheet, thats great, sorry!

I was thinking that it doesn’t work because when I click on a color - it doesn’t highlight the item in dopesheet. Because it’s a slot - not a bone.
But when I click on a slot (which have a key in color property) in the Tree, it does highlight the item in dope sheet.

Also, when I do ctrl+clicking,
when I click on transform properties (TSR) it highlights the items in the tree.
But if I then ctrl+click on a color, it unhighlights the previous selection in the tree and highlights only the slot.
Then if I add to selection another bone, it will highlight only the bone… I have all the items selected, but It’s not highlighted in the Tree..

Basically, adding a color property to selection from dope sheet breaks highlighting of selection in tree, plus doesn’t highlight the item in dope sheet.

I guess that its more something like a bug (?).
Because when I make ctrl+click selection in the tree - it highlights items in the dope sheet nicely.
I think it should highlight it.


Maybe it’s a bit messy when there is the colour property in dopesheet under the bone, while it’s actually a slot…
Maybe there could be some kind of slot item in dope sheet (now there are just bones), I don’t know…


I think that the approach you suggested is good.

For example I have a setup like this:
http://www.toastghost.com/wp-content/up ... .18.27.png

… having many bones on 0,0 coordinates makes it difficult to select it in viewport.
I would have to select it in the tree, what is okay.

The button for selecting what’s in dope sheet including bones slots and highlighting them in the tree - yeah that would be great!

And having a hotkey for those buttons would be cool too.


Yeah, the “suffering” is a strong word 🙂
I guess I’m a bit pampered by other software’s shortcuts 😃
I always want to save as much time as possible so I use shortcuts for nearly everything.
But not everyone does this kind of stuff...

Less time spent, faster it’s done, more money saved from the budget.


8 days later

Changed dopesheet highlighted rows to better match the selection in the editor and tree. Clicking items in the dopesheet selects similar to in the tree. Added "select dopesheet bones" button and hotkey. 1.6.38. Cheers!