I have a company-provided laptop that I use for meetings & other sensitive data. Lately, I have been getting animations reviewed by sharing my screen on this laptop and opening up skeleton viewer. However, because the display of the laptop is 3840x2160 and the (Windows 10) scaling is 250% (the recommended resolution & scale), when I open Skeleton Viewer 4.0.64 it always appears off screen by default. I can only see the top-left corner.
I have tried the usual "fix a window opening off screen" stuff, but none of this is an issue when I reduce the screen scale to 100%; which is way too small to work with on this particular laptop.
So what I'm finding is, it will open in the middle of the screen's total resolution, and it doesn't take into account any scale.
1) Open skeleton viewer 4.0.64
2) Opens in the bottom right corner of the screen, only the top-left of the skeleton viewer showing.
3) Close.
4) Change Windows 10 scale (in Scale & Layout in Display settings) to 100% (from 250%)
5) Open skeleton viewer 4.0.64.
6) Opens perfectly in the middle of the screen.
I updated to 4.1.00, which opens perfectly! But now the UI is way too small to be of any use.
1) Open skeleton viewer 4.1.00
2) Squint to see the settings.
Any help is appreciated.