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Rust & Bevy Runtimes for Spine
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Hello everyone, I was hoping to get some more eyes on my project to bring the Spine runtime to Rust! The project transpiles the official C runtime to Rust and provides a thin "somewhat safe" layer on top. I hope that someday there will be a Spine runtime in safe rust, but for now, this is the next best thing.
Most of the C API has been wrapped, with the most notable exclusion being the timeline API, which I also plan to support eventually. Most projects don't need that part of the API so it's perfectly useable for most use cases already.
The main repository is here:
My Bevy plugin is here:
It works in WASM! Here's some online examples of that:
Both rusty_spine and bevy_spine are available on crates.io, with docs available here:
Wow, that's super cool! Bummer that blend modes + culling is a bit of a hazzle in Bevy. Not including the timeline APIs is pretty sensible, we currently don't do that in the Godot and Flutter runtimes either.
I've added your runtime and Bevy plugin here:
Spine: Runtimes: Rust
Thanks Mario! I have blend modes and culling working in the Bevy plugin now. I'm pretty sure all Spine features are implemented.
@Mario could you please change the demo url to this one instead: https://jabuwu.github.io/bevy_spine_demos/
The rusty_spine one that's currently linked doesn't actually demo the Bevy plugin. It's more of a "minimal integration with Bevy" example. I will be updating this new link with more advanced examples over time.
I've changed the demo link. Cool idea to have the coin animation be driven by mouse movement!