Found something that might be a bug.

I was exporting a video of a scene but the result didn't show everything.
It seems as if images which have been invisible at the beginning of the animation (and become visible somewhere in the timeline) stay invisible in the video when exported.

I tried AVI as well as MOV ... even different settings didn't change anything.

Switching images did work fine with a shorter/smaller animation on a character when exporting a video though.
So maybe it depends on the size of the gfx or the length of the animation...(???)

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3 months later

I had the same problem...Sort of...
I exported a video of a character holding a gun and shooting it, the gun streched out longer then the character, but it cut off the tip of it, ending at the front of the characters face.
I also find it weird how you have to have a background color when you export for video.

Can you attach or email me a .spine and images that shows the problem?

whattheflop14, videos cannot have a transparent background color.