Thank You! I did set my MixDuration manualy in Code and the slow motion is gone!
like this:
// Mix tables - in Start because AnimationState may does not exist in Awake
Spine.AnimationStateData _stateData = _skeletonAnimation.state.Data;
_stateData.DefaultMix = 0.01f;
_stateData.SetMix(_animLanding.name, _animIdle.name, 0.06f);
_stateData.SetMix(_animLanding.name, _animWalk.name, 0.2f);
_skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.Data = _stateData;
The problem with the skipping was my fault, Important here is following statement of the .SetAnimation()
If the formerly current track entry was never applied to a skeleton, it is replaced (not mixed from).
Finally, the animation not helding its pose after a non-looping .setAnimation()
did not resolve itself. Debugging it with GetCurrentTrackEntry(0).Animation.Name
shows that the animation is played correctly till the landing replaces it. But the animation will still occasionally reset itself to the setup pose. I try solving this with an looping "in air" animation which will never depend on the last pose of setAnimation.