Hello there,

I'm planning to buy Spine Pro, but before I do, I have a few questions I would like to ask you. Please excuse me if this has been asked before.

  1. On Spine's download site, "Compatible with Spine 4.1.00 or newer and Unity 2017.1-2022.1." I saw your post. As a team, we plan to upgrade to Unity 2022.3 in our game. Is Spine compatible with this version or if not, where can I see when the adaptation will be made? I want to know if it is compatible with new URP updates.
  1. When using Spine 4.1, if version 4.2 is out of beta, will it be a problem if I update the version? Or would you recommend that I start directly with the 4.2 beta? We don't want the products we produce with 4.1 not to work when we switch to 4.2.

Version updates can be daunting, as the game creation process takes a long time. Can you inform me about these issues?

    Related Discussions

    1) As far as I have tried, the spine-unity runtime works with Unity 2022.3, but you may want to try it yourself. It is allowed to install the spine-unity runtime to your Unity project for evaluation purposes before purchasing a Spine license. You can use the example skeletons that come with the unitypackage for testing:

    2) Important notes for using the beta releases or updating editor and runtime versions is summarized in the Versioning page of Spine User Guide, you may want to read this page first:

      timucinemresen On Spine's download site, "Compatible with Spine 4.1.00 or newer and Unity 2017.1-2022.1." I saw your post. As a team, we plan to upgrade to Unity 2022.3 in our game. Is Spine compatible with this version or if not, where can I see when the adaptation will be made? I want to know if it is compatible with new URP updates.

      timucinemresen On Spine's download site, "Compatible with Spine 4.1.00 or newer and Unity 2017.1-2022.1." I saw your post. As a team, we plan to upgrade to Unity 2022.3 in our game. Is Spine compatible with this version or if not, where can I see when the adaptation will be made? I want to know if it is compatible with new URP updates.

      Thanks for asking and for reading the documentation thoroughly! The spine-unity runtime works without any issues with Unity 2022.3, there have been no known issues up to (and including) Unity 2023.1. We don't consider Unity 2023.2 yet, but there are no reported issues either.

      We have now performed some more tests and officially increased the supported Unity version to 2023.1.
      Of course, please do let us know in case you run into any problems with Unity 2022.3, we're happy to fix them as soon as possible.