kadak The problem is this method is cutting the alpha so much that we have body parts bleeding into other parts bounding box within the atlas. The only way we found so far is adding red pixels in the corners of each texture, so the algorithm does not cut the alpha.
does not change the atlas region (or even analyse and cut according to alpha values). Any padding settings of the original atlas however will not be recreated by GetRepackedSkin
. If your region borders are too tight, I assume that you have enabled Strip Whitespace X|Y
which removes transparent parts from your region during atlas packing. Thus we would recommend disabling Strip Whitespace X|Y
. There is no need to paint red pixels .
PS: I know we could use padding, but even with a 256 padding we still have overlap for some reason, and 256 is already a lot of wasted space
Padding settings during atlas packing do not affect the problem, as the atlas region remains the same, which determines the "cut out" area.