• RuntimesGodot
  • [godot]Poor performance with many SpineSprites in 4.1.2

I went to update my executable for the game I'm working on, and noticed on the new builds I had poor performance with many SpineSprites. What was previously a 60 FPS, smooth experience using build 4.1 from 7/24/2023, became very choppy when switching to the new version (4.1.2).

I tried to do some testing to pin down the issue but was unable to do so. If you run the batch-test scene in the example projects, you will get the same issue. The scene starts smooth, then starts to drop FPS.

smooth version - 4.1

choppy - 4.1.2

(i added a label that prints FPS to the example project to take these screenshots)

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19 days later

tested this on another machine and still getting the same issue, so I don't think it's a performance issue with my devices

The joy of Godot "performance improvements". Our rendering code has not changed in between those versions, so it's pretty certain the Godot rendering path got a wonky "upgrade". I've just updated the build to Godot 4.1.3. You can see the build here:


Once it's finished you can download the new 4.1.3 binaries for testing from here:

Is this being looked into? My project requires quite the number of spinesprites.

There's nothing on our end we can do. Our code remains the same and uses the most efficient code path to render Spine skeletons.

It's a regression in Godot, so you have to ask them what's up. Please give the 4.1.3 binaries a try, there are now available here:


thanks Mario, getting 20 fps instead of 8 now, so still pretty bad (but better at least). I'll build the 4.2 beta later today and see if that's addressed whatever's going on here.