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  • Activation Code TextBox Does Not Appear

I have the key and I want to use the paid version. Eventhough I reinstalled the trial, it's not showing me the textbox to enter the code. What shall I do?

  • Luke replied to this.
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    alicankoker Hi, thank you for posting.

    You can't enter your activation code in the Spine Trial; you should follow the link to your Spine license page that was sent to your email address when you purchased your license for Spine. From there, you can then download the Spine Launcher and enter your activation code after Spine's been installed and run for the first time.

    The company I worked for provided the license key. How shall I do in that case?

    They should provide you the Spine installer file (for your OS: Windows, Mac, or Linux) or the link to the Spine license page so you can download the installer file yourself.