- Edited
您好,我有一个包含多个骨架和动画的项目文件,各个骨骼的动画都是一致的。 在使用Export-Video时,我发现只有当“导出类型-Animation,Skeletons-Separate”时,我才能选择“Animation-All”。 我想选择“导出类型-Animation , Skeletons-Together”来导出所有动画,好像没有这个选项。这个问题怎么解决呢?
Hello, I have a project file with multiple skeletons and Animations,and skeleton's Animations are same. When using Export Video, I found that only when the "Export type- Animation , Skeletons-Separate",I can choose "Animation-All". I want to select the " Export type-Animation , Skeletons-Together" to export all animations. It seems that there is no such option I can choose.How to solve this problem?
There are two skeletons 1 and 5 inside. Render the two skeletons 1 and 5 at the same time to export the animations of animation1 to 4. There are four files in total.