Thanks for the video!

The pauses when changing animation and clicking Export is because Spine must do many calculations to determine the number of frames and other information. Your project must be quite complex or very large resolution for the pause to be so long. For most projects it isn't noticeable. We have plans to improve it, so the UI shows a wait indicator instead of freezing. The processing needs to be done though, it cannot be avoided.

That the frame range doesn't appear seems to be a bug. Is it possible to provide your .spine file? That may be enough for us to see it, without needing images. We can't fix a problem without first seeing it ourselves.

Related Discussions

Misaki 謝謝 但是第二個問題還沒有解決。

    Shikabashi Sorry I didn't mention that. I think these problems are related. Because reducing the complexity of the skeleton to some extent, where the Range option becomes visible, also solves the problem of slow response when performing the GIF export.

    Also, when the Range option becomes visible, you can see that it is set to "0 to 0". This leads me to suspect that the complexity of the skeleton has exceeded the limit of something that can do a GIF export, resulting in the Range being detected as 0 and the export failing.
    I will add a comment to the issue ticket mentioning this.

      Misaki 感謝!另外的問題是,我要輸出每個skin跟動畫檔案時,無法輸出全部的檔案。
      Thanks! Another problem is that when I want to output each skin and animation file, I cannot output all the files.
      I have sent videos to your mailbox again.

        Shikabashi Sorry I didn't communicate this well. I suspect it's the same problem, because once the Range option is displayed correctly, the GIF export is also successful. I sent you a video via email to clarify.

        I know this is weird, but the Range option will show up even if you just open a different Spine project once and check the GIF export settings. In the video example I sent you, I opened the Spineboy project once, opened the export window, and then re-opened your Spine project. This resolves the Range option not appearing in the export settings, and when I uncheck the Range option and run the export, there is still a long calculation wait before the export starts, but the export results are correct. The GIF files are exported for each skin and they are animated correctly.


          Shikabashi Warm up is available to obtain a smooth loop. Try set a value of 1 or greater:

          This is the number of time to play each animation before export, allowing physics to start in motion. Note setting this will make the export take longer. If your animations are created to be long for smooth loops, it is better to shorten them once to the duration you actually need and then export with Warm up.


            5 days later

            Shikabashi The problem of not displaying the Range option has been fixed in the latest 4.2.

            In the case of your project, it still takes a long time to calculate after pressing the Export button, but at least the GIF export itself should be successful now.
            The Scale option is set to 15 in your export settings, so if the current resolution of the images is much larger than you actually need, you may want to scale them down.
            Import Data can be used to scale down the skeleton and images. See the Spine User Guide for more information.: