• Editor
  • License problems and internet access.

Hi guys

I'm running into this error. I understand the need to protect against piracy, but this is hurting people that have official licenses too. 😔

Sometimes I'm working in places where there's no internet and I need to make a quick fix in Spine, but can't.

Is there some kind of backup code that I can use to access Spine while offline?

For example: Gmail has a backup.text where I can get 10 single use codes to access my gmail in the event my password is compromised.

Thanks for the help

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Spine needs to download an update file the first time it is run. After that it can be run offline, unless you are running Spine in a VM. You may be unintentionally running Spine in a VM, see here:

Hi Nate,

Thanks for getting back.

How do I know if the update file is installed? Because I still get the error if there is no internet connection.

Here is how I produced it. (I'd send a movie, but the Spine login screen has my name and email)

1.Turn on Wifi

  1. Press Spine.exe
  2. Spine opens successfully.
  3. Turn off Wifi
  4. Press Spine.exe
  5. Spine tells me I need an internet connection like the screenshot I emailed you guys.

Thanks a lot for the help!

Whenever you run a specific version of the Spine editor, you'll find an update file with that version number in your user folder:

Windows: <user home folder>\Spine\updates\
Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/updates/
Linux: <user home folder>/.spine/updates/

You are likely running all your apps in a virtualization mode and need to follow the steps at the linked issue.

Ok turning off virtualization worked.

Thanks Nate

6 months later