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@Norwaya Unfortunately machine translation did not provide a very good translation for your posting. Do you mean that you are splitting one character into multiple Skeletons? And that e.g. one person works on the upper body attachments and one on the lower body attachments? Could you perhaps describe in more detail what parts are split off as separate skeletons? Do you currently have the problem that draw order is not as desired, since all attachments of the upper body skeleton part will be in front of the lower body skeleton part?

If you want to keep this skeleton structure, you can use a SkeletonRenderSeparator to split the upper body skeleton into multiple parts. See the example scene Spine Examples/Other Examples/SkeletonRenderSeparator that comes with the spine-unity runtime.

Another solution would be to setup all attachments and attachment sized first in a common project and fill them with placeholder art. Then your artists could replace each placeholder attachment with the real attachment, and in the end you only have a single Spine skeleton, which would make things easier to manage at runtime.

Another rather complicated solution would be to programmatically merge two skeletons. You can do that either by exporting two skeletons in .json format and then merging them on the text-level. The second way to merge two skeletons is to load them in Unity and then programmatically merge the SkeletonData, but this is rather complicated to do as all cross-references (e.g. bone indices) need to be updated accordingly. So we would not recommend merging skeletons programmatically if it can be avoided.

    Harald Thank U .Let me research SkeletonRenderSeparator