4버전으로 업데이트가 되면서 Weights - Strength Increase: / Weights - Strength Decrease: 등등 증감관련된 단축키가 사라져서 곤란을 겪고 있습니다. 아주 잘 쓰고 있던 기능인데 가중치를 미세 조정할때 작업 속도가 현저하게 떨어졌습니다. 이와 관련된 핫키 설정을 할 수 있게 다시 추가가능할까요?

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    tmdgnsks Sorry for the late reply! Actually, there is a slight complication regarding these hotkeys.

    The hotkeys themselves are still available in the Tools section of the hotkey:

    The screenshot above shows the default hotkeys in macOS. However, there is a known problem that it does not work well with this default key setting. To learn more about this issue, please see the following issue ticket:

    As noted in it, the cause is the current key combination, and assigning a different key will work. We apologize that we have not yet been able to provide a complete solution to this issue. You can subscribe to the issue ticket to receive notifications when there is any progress on this issue.