Is the ATLAS file written out by Spine, supposed to be written as JSON?
I was trying to get Spine and Ss2D to work together, but from what I can tell, Ss2D is EXPECTING the Atlas file to be a JSON file.
However, the Atlas that is actually exported by Spine, looks like this:
size: 1024,128
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
rotate: true
xy: 187, 55
size: 71, 137
orig: 71, 137
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
rotate: true
xy: 272, 17
size: 36, 54
orig: 36, 54
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
rotate: false
xy: 2, 5
size: 14, 4
orig: 14, 4
offset: 0, 0
index: -1