Mitch wrote

Yea, I just never added a mouse offset. The gun pivot position changes depending on the equipped weapon so a little bit more math needs to be done. Original rig was built for twin-stick gamepad stuff where cursor position doesn't matter much. Will be updated sooner or later ๐Ÿ™‚

Ah ok, fair enough. (its worth noting that the above hierarchy works for any gun, you just have to point the gun (by moving the arm iks) towards the target ik

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Yea but if you do it that way you get awkward poses a lot at the extreme angles.

Mitch wrote

Yea but if you do it that way you get awkward poses a lot at the extreme angles.

Meh, I think that relies on the overall skeleton set up. but I do agree it can look weird. but atleast for us, we clamp the angles the player can shoot at anyway (design idea, not limitation)

interestingly I think I may have combinded the methods

So I just purchased the Gunman pack a day or two ago to mess with in Unity. I was just really curious how things like animation combining, aiming, and overall character controlling was done in this.

Before I proceeded with my project, I loaded up the asset pack scene, and attempted to duplicate the Gunman a number of time just to see how performance was on mobile. I modified the touch script so that all the characters would shoot at the same touch point.

I was getting a weird bug where sometimes the gunman would perform perfectly. I'd touch the screen, the arms would rotate, a shot would be fired towards the touch point. Although, seemingly randomly, some of the duplicated gunman wouldn't follow that logic. Instead, they would, shoot, then rotate to point their weapons at the touch point. I spent all day trying to figure out why sometimes they'd fire perfectly, and other times they would seem to fire before rotating their arms.

It turns out that simply highlighting the Gunman object and duplicating said Gunman would cause any of the duplicate gunman to potentially misbehave. However, if I dragged in any number of prefab gunman from my Assets folder, they would all behave absolutely perfectly. I'm not sure if this has something to do with Unity or some sort of sync issue with the gameobjects and Spine skeleton data or what.

Any thoughts? I don't foresee this every being a problem. Just curious if there was an explanation.

Strike that. I'm handling player states in a different way then the example, and I guess my code is somehow triggering the Fire( ) call before AimPivot completes it rotation.

Equipman coming soon too! Mix and match parts, skins, and a Unity framework for downloading new skins from AssetBundles or from the internet!
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"Team Color" & Shading skins coming for Hitman and Gunman soon too! (Will be added to existing packs)
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And something for fun
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These look fantastic, if there's a video tutorial series that makes utilizing this in my own Unity project more accessible (for a Spine beginner) then I'll be picking up a professional license.

I'd love to see something on:

Applying these to a new skin/model
-weapon switching as well

Start to playable in Unity with a customized (even small modifications) version of these assets.


Tutorial videos are coming soon - wanted to flesh out a few more features before diving into full documentation mode to avoid having to redo some stuff.

In the mean time, theres a dozen plus tutorials by me already up on my youtube channel and a sticky topic in this subforum that will get updated with general Spine-Unity feature tutorials as time permits ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks Mitch,

I'll dig through those now.

Your videos are fantastic, and so is the official documentation. I put in a support request to clear up a small issue that came about while installing the Trial but after that I'll be buying everything you have. Equipman looks very interesting, too!

7 days later

Hi @Mitch and @Nate,
I have but the Hitman asset and is really awesome, and i think to buy the Equipman asset too in the release.
I want to ask you something, can you add some AI(advanced or simple) to the enemies in the Hitman asset and the Equipman asset?

Do you have any date for the release of the Equipman asset? and this asset will work with Essential?


Equipman is designed to work with Essential - like Hitman, it'll have an IK version as well.

Heh yea - I'm planning to add some dumb AI to the Boxman characters - they already have a Walk animation so its pretty trivial to add yourself if you don't want to wait ๐Ÿ™‚ My effort has been focused on making the main characters as robust as possible.

I do not currently have a proper release date for Equipman but I would imagine Early September at the soonest as I am super-busy with contract work for the rest of August.

Equipman looks really nice. Is there something like an animation wishlist? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hi @Mitch and @Nate, sometime could you make some tutorial to change the character for the Assets in Unity?
In my case I try to change the Hitman character for one I did but with a different skeleton(but the same bounding box attachments and events).
It cost me a lot do but I succeeded (I think that helped me to learn anyway), but it would be very useful to have a guide on how to change the character (without re touching the point of import to unity).

I want to thank also because through to the base of the Hitman Asset I'm getting a nice result for my game and learning about Spine Essential simultaneously in just a few days(definitely I will upgrade to PRO very soon).


Tutorials are definitely coming! I've been completely slammed with contract work so I haven't had a chance to get back to Spine things lately ๐Ÿ™ I should be more available come September though! There will also be updates to the Hitman and Gunman packs including some team-color skins and hopefully integration with the MageLight project with example normal mapping and lighting.

I'm glad you're learning a lot from the Hitman project ๐Ÿ™‚ Its really hard to make a platformer game "Feel" good, so I wanted to give a good example - even if it is a bit difficult to follow.


Hi @Mitch, me again :/ sorry..
I have a little problem with hitman asset, I see you have change the value in the TimeManager(Edit -> Project Settings -> Time) and my problem is that my game use the Time(Time.deltaTime) for every party(Game Begins in: XX:XX:XX, Time Left: XX:XX:XX ) and with the configuration you have change the time is super crazy fast (also my canvas animations), I have try to reset to the normal default values but the hitman change his velocity and dont look good.

There is a chance to put the time in default and have the hitman in your original velocity?


The reason for the time doubler is to force Box2D to update fast enough for good platformer feeling - I haven't had great success stabilizing at timeScale of 1.0 yet ๐Ÿ™

Your game can use Time.unscaledDeltaTime though if that helps any ๐Ÿ™‚

yes the feeling with that time scale is increible good.
I will try with Time.unscaledDeltaTime, thanks you very much @Mitch.


11 days later
Mitch wrote

Tutorials are definitely coming! I've been completely slammed with contract work so I haven't had a chance to get back to Spine things lately ๐Ÿ™ I should be more available come September though! There will also be updates to the Hitman and Gunman packs including some team-color skins and hopefully integration with the MageLight project with example normal mapping and lighting.

I'm glad you're learning a lot from the Hitman project ๐Ÿ™‚ Its really hard to make a platformer game "Feel" good, so I wanted to give a good example - even if it is a bit difficult to follow.


Quick question. We are currently exploring our options in regards to assets for a new project and were curious as to how the MageLight project is looking. Do you think we can expect that in September (late?)?

Thanks! It's looking excellent so definitely excited to seeing it in action!

God I sure hope MageLight doesn't drag on longer than September heh... I'm busy contracting in the VR world at the moment though so I can't promise-promise anything...

Thats great!!, sorry for the curious.. what are you doing in the VR?


Want to ask. Does Gunman Advanced Platformer includes Uppercut attack animation of Hitman Basic Platformer?