- Edited
Question about interrupting/stopping animation
SOLVED: While I don't entirely understand why it worked, it helped that hit animations are not set on loop... =)
Heya, this is most likely due my inability as a coder but I've got a question...
The setup
Right now I've got Unity project with 4 direction movement using Spine animations. I've got a game object for each skeleton (front, back, side) and a animation controller that changes between walk, idle and attack animations and based on what direction you are facing it disables the other game objects (= if you turn right, the objects with front and back animations get disabled).
If I hit downward and in middle of attack animation turn left (game object that contains downward hit gets disabled) the hit animation is "stored" and even after 3-4 minutes if I then return back facing downwards the hit animation resumes where it left off before disabling the game object that contains it.
Here's part of my animation controller
public class c_playeranimationcontroller : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject animations_front;
public GameObject animations_back;
public GameObject animations_side;
public GameObject hitAndUseArea;
GameObject player;
c_playercontroller Player_c;
SkeletonAnimation skel_front;
SkeletonAnimation skel_back;
SkeletonAnimation skel_side;
string currentAnimation = "";
//Set the connections to other scripts etc.
void Start()
skel_front = animations_front.GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
skel_back = animations_back.GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
skel_side = animations_side.GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
Player_c = player.GetComponent<c_playercontroller>();
//Listen to animation changes constantly
void Update()
public void animateAttack()
if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Up)
PlayAnimation(skel_back, 0, "hit_back", true);
else if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Down)
PlayAnimation(skel_front, 0, "hit_front", true);
else if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Right)
PlayAnimation(skel_side, 0, "hit_side", true);
else if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Left)
PlayAnimation(skel_side, 0, "hit_side", true);
void animateWalk()
if(Player_c.input_y != 0 || Player_c.input_x != 0)
if(Mathf.Abs(Player_c.input_y) > Mathf.Abs(Player_c.input_x))
if (Player_c.input_y > 0)
animations_front.SetActive(false); animations_side.SetActive(false); animations_back.SetActive(true);
PlayAnimation(skel_back, 0, "walk_back", true);
Player_c.direction = c_playercontroller.Direction.Up;
hitAndUseArea.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(0,-7,0);
else if (Player_c.input_y < 0)
animations_front.SetActive(true); animations_side.SetActive(false); animations_back.SetActive(false);
PlayAnimation(skel_front, 0, "walk_front", true);
Player_c.direction = c_playercontroller.Direction.Down;
hitAndUseArea.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(0,-42,0);
if (Player_c.input_x > 0)
animations_front.SetActive(false); animations_side.SetActive(true); animations_back.SetActive(false); animations_side.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,0,0);
PlayAnimation(skel_side, 0, "walk_side", true);
Player_c.direction = c_playercontroller.Direction.Right;
hitAndUseArea.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(28,-20,0);
else if (Player_c.input_x < 0)
animations_front.SetActive(false); animations_side.SetActive(true); animations_back.SetActive(false); animations_side.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0,180,0);
PlayAnimation(skel_side, 0, "walk_side", true);
Player_c.direction = c_playercontroller.Direction.Left;
hitAndUseArea.transform.position = transform.position + new Vector3(-28,-20,0);
if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Up) { PlayAnimation(skel_back, 0, "stand_back", true);}
else if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Down) { PlayAnimation(skel_front, 0, "stand_front", true);}
else if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Right) { PlayAnimation(skel_side, 0, "stand_side", true);}
else if(Player_c.direction == c_playercontroller.Direction.Left) { PlayAnimation(skel_side, 0, "stand_side", true);}
void PlayAnimation(SkeletonAnimation anim, int layer, string name, bool trueornot)
if(name == currentAnimation)
anim.state.SetAnimation(layer, name, trueornot);
currentAnimation = name;
Is there a call for reset-animation. Any other ideas?
I think you need to call
(to remove the animation)
(to reset the skeleton)
at the correct points in time. Probably before playing a new animation or enabling/disabling the SkeletonAnimation components.