First of all, I just want to say this software is amazing and its been helping in a lot, so thanks to everyone involved.
The problem is that, when I export from Spine 3.4.02 (the version the ReadMe suggests), the bones at runtime always inherit scale (and possibly rotation but I haven't tested it) regardless of whether or not inheritance was set to that particular bone in the editor. I think it might have something to do (though I could very likely be wrong as I'm definitely no expert but I thought maybe it helps :think: :p ) with the changes in handling inheritance that can be seen in "spBone_updateWorldTransformWith" of Bone.c between these two versions
spine-runtimes/Bone.c at d93e1507fc6e0ec8e204625710a98159a81e8336
spine-runtimes/Bone.c at master
I tried exporting from 3.5.43 (the earliest 3.5 I had installed :p ) and everything works fine, but I would like to know if there's a more appropriate version or if there are other known problems with the UE4 runtime that make it inadvisable to use newer versions while exporting.