Select all child bones by double clicking on the parent bone.

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I've added some comments to that issue. Should we also have a way to do it with the mouse? Maybe ctrl double click selects all siblings and ctrl+shift double click selects all children? What do you think? The keyboard shortcut is a bit more powerful, since you can select all siblings, then select all children of ALL those. With the mouse your first click clears the selection, so you can only select the children of a single node.

Nate wrote

I've added some comments to that issue. Should we also have a way to do it with the mouse? Maybe ctrl double click selects all siblings and ctrl+shift double click selects all children?

Do you mean in the viewport? Since right now it does nothing, it's a good idea!

I meant in the tree, I hadn't considered the viewport. We could have ctrl and ctrl+shift double click in the viewport work the same way as the tree, that seems reasonable.