Hi, there's a bug that has been there for some time already and it's nothing critical. Not sure if it's fixed in 3.6.43, but probably not. My skeletons are rather complex, as I'm making flexible limbs - binding path to 2-bone limb and then making path constraint for 11 small bones. So after I finish working on the limb, I duplicate it to reuse it for mirrored limb. All assets get "2" in their name, except for paths, they keep old name, so I have multiple paths with same name if I don't rename them.
There's also another bug related to duplicating such complex elements, but more on that on some other ocassion (when it occurs next time, if I have time for posting). In short - it messes up the mesh. I'd say it's because of path constraint not being copied (so the 11 bones have a bit different position), but even after I redo path constraint, it's still messed up.