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  • Best advanced features tutorials?

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Any good video tutorials that are known or should I RTFM to get up to speed on the advanced features that have been added over time?

I'll post what's helpful to me as I go through learning after not using this tool for a while.

Spine 3.4 paths sample projects walkthrough - YouTube

Paths are cool!

This channel has some amazing videos showing process... these are the techniques I want to master!


5 months later

Hey soap, I don't know if you've already seen them, but we started streaming advanced techniques on Twitch and upload on YouTube the archives.

Youtube has the advantage we can set chapters in the video descriptions to make it easier to find the particular topic during a 4 hours stream, while live has the advantage you can ask things or request them, and I generally try my best to make everyone happy (:

The streams generally last 4 hours and they're every Tuesday and Thursday for now, you can check the exact hour on the Twitch link as it displays the time in your timezone (which is so convenient!)

Hope to see you there some time!😃