Thanks for the answers.
So, about the BoneDriver and BoneFollower component I found the problem.
The scale of my skeleton actor was (X : 0.5 ; Y : 0.333 ; Z : 0.5) and because of the value 0.333 the location of the crosshair wasn't good.
I don't know if it's a bug or normal behavior when the scale values are uniform.
most examples don't work
When I said they're not working, I mean the behavior of the examples maps not working,
especially the behavior of the maps 03-multiple-tracks-and-events and 05-driving-bones.
Here is my project with a map called "MAP_Test".
I fixed the "03-multiple-tracks-and-events" and "05-driving-bones" maps if you want to compare with your github repository project.
Also the blueprints have some comments about the reason why they are not working.
Blending: that's a matter of setting the mix duration between animation switches and not a bug. Is that a scene you created yourself?
Is it related to the default mix array in the skeleton data asset ? If so I tried with this array entry
From => "idle"
To => "aim"
Mix => 0.5
If it's not that, how can I change the setting of the mix duration ?
The bad render gone when I cleaned the project, so for now it's working and I'll tell you if the error occurs again.
Additional Infos
Unreal version: 4.22
Spine2D plugin version: 3.8