

之前也使用过这项操作(另一项目)是没问题的。我很困惑?_ ?

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@wild_74 Please note that you need to use the Spine/Skeleton Tint Black shader, and enable Advanced - Tint Black at the SkeletonAnimation component when using the Tint Black functionality in the Spine Editor.

    Harald 非常抱歉,我以为完全解决了问题,但是在引擎运行游戏时问题又出现了 和在引擎预览的动画不一致!


    而在运行游戏时是按照这张材质颜色显示的效果 很奇怪emm

    Unfortunately I don't understand what your problem is given the two screenshots. The first screenshot shows the skeleton preview, which provides tint black colors from the mesh and results in purple color. The second screenshot shows the material, which shows the untinted atlas texture. Note that the material preview does not apply any skeleton tint black colors, since it has no mesh, and the mesh provides the attachment tint black colors.

    Please explain and show what actual problem you are having given the SkeletonAnimation GameObject in a scene.


      @wild_74 Thanks for the additional information. Unfortunately we can't help you based on only this screenshot alone. At least we need to see the Inspector settings of your problematic skeleton in the scene. This needs to show the Advanced settings of the SkeletonAnimation component and all Materials currently used at this skeleton GameObject (shown at the bottom of the Inspector when your SkeletonAnimation GameObject is selected). Is the Spine/Skeleton Tint Black shader used at all current materials of this problematic skeleton? Did you enable Advanced - Tint Black at the SkeletonAnimation component?

        6 days later

        Harald 谢谢回复!之前的设置是没问题的,是unity的shader没有更新至对应版本才导致的失效。{😅

        @wild_74 Glad to hear you've figured it out, thanks for getting back to us!